viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

My ideal Job =)

My ideal job would be in the city whit beach :), in my own office, attending children or adolescents and I would be apply of Roschard test in the clinical.

I need will be, a excelentt professional of psycology, responsible and whit serious compromise about of my pacients. Also, I need have to gain experience in this area, and continue studing continiuslly because there are always new investigations appearing in different places of the world.
I would also like a job which wouldn´t take my hole day occupied sitting in an office, which would allow me to have different experiences with a lot of people, maybe i would also like to work in an ONG outside of Chile.

I like to work with children, i feel that with them i can understand me well and that y allways will make my best effort to understand them and to help them

The problem to find a job like that is that a lot of times the economic interests are taking more priority than the own well-being of the children.

Alltough it is also posible that many psichologist end up working on areas that they don´t like, such as "labor psicholgy" (psycology of work?) only and exclusivelly because they get a good sallary and because in that way they secure their own well being; wich has nothing wrong if we considere that one passes infinite years reading and writting a lot of stuff wich not always entertains us.

- But now, I really don´t thinking about job!, I only want VACATION and Sleep, and eat, and over sleep! -


domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

My favorite subject

My favourite subject is as I allready said child psichology.
It is one of the subjects wich I could have during my hole study without getting worried.

I always have liked children and I really enjoy spending time with them. For example when I go swimming with the kids of the sweamming team i really have a lot of fun and laugh a lot.
I get along with them very good. The best part of course is to see how they grow and start to change their mentality. How they behave and react in front of certen situations. I don´t know why but I like too relate with that and just like to spend time with kids.

I think thats why i like this subject so much beacause it gives me the chance to analyze and to see everything from a more professional point of view and also has given me tools which can be aplied in real life and have helped me to understand a lot of things, which i hadn´t been able to understand for a lot of time.

I also think i like it because i can see me working in this area more than in any other area. And perhaps as an sport psichologist, to combine those two passions (sport and kids).

watching Sir Ken Robinson's talk "Do Schools Kill, Creativity


In the talk of mr Ken Robinson he exposes a interesting aspects related to education such as creativity. He sais that with the educational system we have right now we are killing all the creativity children can develope. Schools are aiming to make professionals but in restricted areas such as math , lenguage and cience. Other subject are depreciated and not taking seriously such as arts: music, dance, painting etc. Children are programmed to get good marks just in the subjects that are supousingly the ones wich will help them in their future work life. Schools systems are build in way in wich the student are "obligated" to continue a specific line; wich is finish the school and start with university.
He also claims that the system is being more and more demanding as it refers to work titles (grados). Thirty years ago you only needed your graduation diplom to get a job, nowdays if you dont have a Mayor or minor , a mbm or a phd you are a nobody and getting a job has become very difficult. The standarts have become more and more academically demanding leaving other aspects beside.
Mr. Robinson assueres that, the way we are living now and the way in wich we are educating our children kills their creativity, and without it there aren´t original ideas poipinng out of there heads. Without these original ideas there is no evolution.

viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

My Future

First of all I must say that I don´t like to proyect myself in the future.

It´s something I can´t do.

If you ask me right now i would have to say that I first want to finish with my studing. And if I had to picture myself in 5 years from now I would say that I see myself working at what I like the best; as a child psycholog (infanto juvenil).

I could also think of me living with my best friend, Astrid, in a nice apartment near the "Parque Forestal", I must say she would be the only one who could tolerate living with me. She is more passive than me so we complement very well. I see myself happy enjoying the moment, taking walks on the Park, cooking at my big kitchen, going out with my friends etc...

Of course that I still want to be swimming in my future.

It has been a very important part of my life and I want to keep it that way, I can´t imagen myself without it.

Most importante of all I see my family allways by my side and being happy with me.

We will still be shareing a family life like I am used to, and I´m glad for that because my family is my mayor support in life, so they are very important for me.

As I said at the begining I don´t like to proyect myself in long terms because you never now what will realy happen. I prefer to live every moment as if it would be the last one an always going step by step.

The best In Psycohology

In my opinion the best in my area es Jean Piaget, He was a important psycohology,
He had a basic belief that children think differently than adults.

He studing problems related whit development to intelligence; His most famous work was "The Four Stages of Childhood Development: Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete, and Formal Operational".
In this paper, he prove that the logical of children is gradually "built" and also this is developed in diferents stages over the life.

Piaget is best known as an differents areas, he was most interested in the study of knowledge and it's expansion. Also he is known all over the world and is still an inspiration in the fields of epistemology, psychology, sociology, and law. Piaget was awarded numerous Prizes and honorary Degrees all over the world. I really admire to him!

The contributions of Piaget are very used in the field of education, especially in working with young children. In psychology, his contributions are also widely used in the fields of Psychology of Children and Adolescents, in an approach called cognitive evolution (?) -"evolutivo"-, ( I personally like it a lot and is very interesting =) .

My career

I studied psychology for meanly two different reasons.

As a kid I always questioned everything and did overthink everything.

I enjoyed ( and still do) to talk everything trough, as a kid always with my mom but nowdays also with my friends, to reduce it all to little peaces so I could undertsand how it works or why something had happened.

In my carrer I think that I can use this carachteristik of mine and potence( potenciar??) it.

I can explore a very wide spectrum of things and analyze the most amazing things of all : the human himself and his acting and reactions.

The other reason is that I always liked Biologie and the more cientific part of the studies.

I think it is because as a sportler I had a big interest in doing something related to it.

So at first I actually wanted to study "kinesiologia" but after a hard time thinking and wondering what would be the right choice I decided to enter psychology ; because it had something of biology but it also would compensate the humanistic side I had developed.

And it also gaves my the chance to work in the area of sports, with the kids who make some sport and watch the development of them.

Psychologie has also a lot of investigation and practical part. It´s great because the things you learn you can apply them at your day a day life



viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

Comment on a Photograph you like

I this photograph is a most I like.
Was taked in 2005 for my best friend, I remember clearly about that day:
I came from a competition in the National Stadium and then I went his apartment in of center of the city.
We talked about my times and decide to eat something, while he set the table, I found the photographic camera , and I started to play with that.
Then we took this picture: We were hugging and looking the photographic camera.
An at time, I was nineteen years old and he had twenty-one; four years ago is quite time, Is it good to see that we have changed and grown together.
The Red band or tape he has in his neck, is a part of the medal that day I gave it to him.

He´s a Important persons for me, and this photograph is very important to me, I always have in my wallet and when I so tired o sad, I like to see, how happy we can be in the company of our friends.