miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009

9- What is the current situation in your faculty?

I believe that our Faculty of social science is very common to have problems with the books, and materials.
Also Is characteristic of our University, to have great prestige, and International recognition. In part, This is because a his Teachers and estudent`s engaged (comprometidos?). And NO neccesarily because his library or resources.

In many times, I had no choice and I have forced to go to UC and asked for the material I need. It Is neccesary to be very patient: Crying to "Guille" - librarian (?)- won`t solve anything, He`s always had the best intention to look our books.

The first steps to dealing with this situation is, to invest capital, is more, the idea woul`d be "there's a lot of money to invest in the library" =), look for the best material`s and had complete collection of the most famous writers and international scientist.

Also, the studens and his association may be more organized, and make to request more material and support. Perhap´s, we must work harder for this, but this is important, And We can´t continue acting as if nothing had happened, or think that we are not interested.

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