lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2009

4- High School Education

I believe that my years of High School were good, perhaps not the best of my live.
I had not bad moments and I did have nice friends.
In other point, adolescence in School, is complicated, there are many changes and new situations, new ways of behaving (?), the firt boyfriend, etc.

I was always good student, I struggled (?) quite, had to have time to train; almost weekend I had competence - just like now! :S-.
I Liked most the subjects, whit the others I studied more :/.

I had excellent teachers, the kid that you remember for ever!

I think, that the level of education of school affect, even determines life later.... Conditiones and preparation, that giving schools are very different for a "sector" or socioeconomic class than other. Often determines, what you will.

One of most important factors, to improve to improve education is to "pursue" (?) equity; less intoaccount take standardized (?) test, that only increase inequality.

I think people do have responsability for their education, but is it unacceptable, that as society, Knowlendge (???) that we do not, the estructurals problems of education in Chile.

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