miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009

6- Criminal Laws

The Criminal Laws are really complicated subject; is a difficult topic itself (?).

For example, I do not know capital punishment is a good or effective way to reduce criminality... the idea is NOt reach that extreme point.
I find it hard to think of the good points of the capital punishment, I think only time that is a human life taken away for other human.... However there are crimes so terrible,
where perhaps the only possible punishment is that....

I do not believe that this mode it´s the best, If there are no structural changes: related to education, social mobility, networks to bench; ultimately more and better social policies (políticas?); not attack the underlying problem.
Also help to create programs to prevent "recidivism" by those who already were in jail.

I think these same points already exposed, are part of that crime rates increase,
I attribute it to poor social policies governmental that our country has.

Yes I've had experiences of mugging, one days after training, to lower the metro station, four children - aged between 12 and 15 years, stole my purse... this was a sad experience and I felt much anger!

In your opinion, what is the origin of the increasing criminality rates in Chile?-

Have you ever been a victim of a crime (burglary, pick pocketing, fraud, mugging, etc) Explain

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