miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009
11 Challenges in my Discipline
I think that the area Biological is very important in my career, it`s more, I think that all social career should be a minimum of publication with a scientifically based.
However, It`s clear: We Like social area, and Human behaviour, also we like social explination and the diferent areas of culture and actually social problems, and finally we like to have a big undertanding of every Human subject of our interest. But none of them is really important if not we`ll be the time for make a cientifict and biological investigation.
Also, the differents publications or paper`s should be made by an interdisciplinary team. This way every discipline would be more participative and our faculty students would be more proactive.
If we we had teachers of diferents career, also we would have differents vision of a same problem. This is particularly important in social problem such as inequality or poverty... and these are our priority.
miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009
10 A Piece of News
They decided, to suspend (or they was cancelled at class in public School`s (?) ), they said taked meseaures because, differents problems whithout education and politic`s public.
The most important demand is respect to a coller " historical debt", they asked the Govern and Department to education, a solution, a efective solution. But it`s don´t happenend yet.
Different people are involved: University Student`s want participle, also, Association of Father`s and representatives ( apoderados?). They give his support to teachers because believe a fair cause =) and me too belive the same.
This manifestation or strike* /huelga/, it´s organized in Stgo and different Regions of Chile -Arica to Punta arenas-. The represent`s will say .... ())) ) to meet of 90% of teachers of the Country.
I think, that this problem could be have solution, if a Govern, wiil be responsability again for the Public Education and His Public Worker... and if WE will be social and particitive persons really interesting of we feature of our Country, our Education, Our PEOPLE.
I Liked very much, will see a good piece of news respect to better polict`s public, and it`s worried o concerned about the future worker, and wiil see a happynes Teacher`s with his Historic Debt pay off.
miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009
9- What is the current situation in your faculty?
Also Is characteristic of our University, to have great prestige, and International recognition. In part, This is because a his Teachers and estudent`s engaged (comprometidos?). And NO neccesarily because his library or resources.
In many times, I had no choice and I have forced to go to UC and asked for the material I need. It Is neccesary to be very patient: Crying to "Guille" - librarian (?)- won`t solve anything, He`s always had the best intention to look our books.
The first steps to dealing with this situation is, to invest capital, is more, the idea woul`d be "there's a lot of money to invest in the library" =), look for the best material`s and had complete collection of the most famous writers and international scientist.
Also, the studens and his association may be more organized, and make to request more material and support. Perhap´s, we must work harder for this, but this is important, And We can´t continue acting as if nothing had happened, or think that we are not interested.
miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009
election Day
In My family has always been important to the "idea"" (?) of elections, but being able to vote for me was not an imposition.
However, this year we are all very disappointed, for the first time since I can remember, no one wants to talk about it. My grandparents are angry, my parents are disappointed and I am indifferent.
Before thinking about the qualities "of a future president, I think of the qualities" that we should take us as "people"....
Maybe if we try to be more participatory, má sinteresados in the things that happen .... in people, maybe .... things would be different.
But if we talk d of the ideal president, this would be one that really tried to move people, wake up.
On another subject, I never thought of not being political, if I make my dad: the Politics is dirty. and do not want in my life xD!.
5 problems of immediate solution:
Inequality in education, in opportunities: S
quality of life for our old people
Access to health
greater equity in the distribution wages (? salarios?)
miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009
7- Synthesis
• Will only use 'real women' in photoshoots
• Editor sick of 'fattening girls up with Photoshop' "
In this article, to set out a subjet very ,..... arguable (?), It had relation whit the famous model`s, the perfect boddies and the "normal figures".
Accorging to German magazine "Brigitte", only 23 % of models are "normal women", they said that "the whole model industry is anorexic."; this is a hard truth, to be related to disrupt eating habits, A problem, it´s had differents and dangerous consecuences fhysical and psycological, not only for model`s but "normal woman", "normal person`s".
The hard demand for the "perfect body" in this fashion world has had drastic consequences: in
2006 two sister model`s -Uruguayan Luisel and Eliana Ramos-, died after extreme dieting.
Because, to problems like this, is that it was necessary to take precautionary measures: The Council of Fashion Designers of America recommended that runway models be aged over 16, in other country prohibited defiled those models weighing less than 11 lb............
also decided to promote healthy body images....
miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009
6- Criminal Laws
For example, I do not know capital punishment is a good or effective way to reduce criminality... the idea is NOt reach that extreme point.
I find it hard to think of the good points of the capital punishment, I think only time that is a human life taken away for other human.... However there are crimes so terrible,
where perhaps the only possible punishment is that....
I do not believe that this mode it´s the best, If there are no structural changes: related to education, social mobility, networks to bench; ultimately more and better social policies (políticas?); not attack the underlying problem.
Also help to create programs to prevent "recidivism" by those who already were in jail.
I think these same points already exposed, are part of that crime rates increase,
I attribute it to poor social policies governmental that our country has.
Yes I've had experiences of mugging, one days after training, to lower the metro station, four children - aged between 12 and 15 years, stole my purse... this was a sad experience and I felt much anger!
In your opinion, what is the origin of the increasing criminality rates in Chile?-
Have you ever been a victim of a crime (burglary, pick pocketing, fraud, mugging, etc) Explain
jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009
5- what to do and where to go in Stgo.
So many people will disagree whit me, but I think whith - guide (?) above- this can be a great city =)
There are many place to visit, some of my favorites are the parks, hills, historic streets, bars and more....
If I had 5 places or activities, in Stgo, I think these would be:
In firts Place, I would suggest visiting the museum pre-columbian art, then visit of Catedral and Main Square -Plaza de Armas?-. I think it is important to contextualize the foreigners, in relation to our origins.
Also, would show the "Parque Forestal", is really relaxing and you can enjoy quiet sunny afternoon..... also gives the chance to meet more people, including tourists from all over the world =).
Another place to go is the Cerro Santa Lucía, can take very good pictures from there - if the smog permits! :S-. You can be visit to the craft fair in front, and buy craft and souvenirs in typical materials of Chile.
Also, go to Central Market (?) -Mercado Central- and the Vega =) both are very interesting places, are full of colors, smells and flavors characteristic of Chile. The food is delicious, and most tourists will ever know this places. I liked
Finally, I RECOMEND visiting the "Piojera", this is a very old places, a sort of "bar", where one can taste the "Terremotos" - pipeño whit ice cream- or typical sandwiches and empanadas.
there is always music, and a great time there.
lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2009
4- High School Education
I had not bad moments and I did have nice friends.
In other point, adolescence in School, is complicated, there are many changes and new situations, new ways of behaving (?), the firt boyfriend, etc.
I was always good student, I struggled (?) quite, had to have time to train; almost weekend I had competence - just like now! :S-.
I Liked most the subjects, whit the others I studied more :/.
I had excellent teachers, the kid that you remember for ever!
I think, that the level of education of school affect, even determines life later.... Conditiones and preparation, that giving schools are very different for a "sector" or socioeconomic class than other. Often determines, what you will.
One of most important factors, to improve to improve education is to "pursue" (?) equity; less intoaccount take standardized (?) test, that only increase inequality.
I think people do have responsability for their education, but is it unacceptable, that as society, Knowlendge (???) that we do not, the estructurals problems of education in Chile.
miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009
3 Transantiago: Before and After
But I prefer to believe that the people how thought the idea of transantiago didn`t have bad intention...
However, this public transport system, is unsufficient, and the people are really unhappy since its implementation.
The transantiago, could have been better if really to pass at time, or if more buses to pass during the night.
in other point, I think the payment system is bether than before, is cleaner and safer for all - drivers and "passengers" (?). The buses are big but not necessarily confortable.
In the beggining, It`s was a disaster, people did not know the routs and the news buses or what bus number served.
Today, I thik people are resigned, they try to make the best effort.....
but , to make everything better .. I would put more buses, better coverage - covertura?-, and best drivers to!!!
For now, be patient -even more!- .
miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009
2- The country would like to visit
I think t´s a beatiful contry whit many different cultures. It Is what same people call a "cosmopolitan country", very modern and advanced. Also has a dreamy landscapes; Vegetation and animals that live only in this olace of the world and nowhere else.
And yet I have not mentioned the beatiful beaches that carectirize him. Is one of the best places for surfing, and its waters are clear and I can imagine them endless hours!.
If I could travel a this country, I like to visit national parks, taste the tipical food, and above all talk!, know many people, from different places, know how they think, and the things they believe.
It´s very important to me, because I think that every trip you do, is a new opportunity to meet, to learn =), self-learning -???- and live.
Perhaps I would like to work one time in Australia, Although I am not living there old my live. I do not know how are the schools of psychology in that country, So I do not think continue studying there.
I like going to Australia but on vacation, because I really prefer Latin America for everything else. =)
miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2009
1- Good and Bad Points
paragraph by paragraph, word by word.... this was a hard and slow work, but we learnt to much about Methodology Cualitative =). Another class I liked alot was "Projectives Thecniques", in fact it is an area I want to dedicate.
In other point, in my first semester , also I -dedicated or?- spends my time swimming every day and every week, This is necesary because I want come back to competition a professional level. But also dedicated time walking whit my best friends or going to the cinema... and also I went to partys a few times.
Into my Challenges I had to face, the most difficult was the stressful and personal promblems, although, in the fact these problems were responsibility of one only persons xD! and not was me! ajaj - was a friend or "pseudo-friend" as I colled him.
In the other aspects, related whit my family, friends or my coach, I had not difficulties, They were a GREAT suportt to me, and became the first months of years very enjoyable.
jueves, 2 de julio de 2009
My blogging experience XD!
Writing of familiar topics and in a more "relaxed", is confortable.
Also, helps a lot of attention to our Miss gives us, because we can ask our questions during the hours of computing.
It is not the same read or studied in English class, to be able to write something for ourselves.
I think it is useful to write in blog, but sometimes the tiredness of the previous classes not helpful to write.... jaja which disappears as the imagination! - as now!-.
Another disadvantage may be the time you spend ... but sometimes is not enough : S
Anyway, I thought it would be interesting to continue this way next semester =)
viernes, 26 de junio de 2009
My ideal Job =)
I need will be, a excelentt professional of psycology, responsible and whit serious compromise about of my pacients. Also, I need have to gain experience in this area, and continue studing continiuslly because there are always new investigations appearing in different places of the world.
I would also like a job which wouldn´t take my hole day occupied sitting in an office, which would allow me to have different experiences with a lot of people, maybe i would also like to work in an ONG outside of Chile.
I like to work with children, i feel that with them i can understand me well and that y allways will make my best effort to understand them and to help them
The problem to find a job like that is that a lot of times the economic interests are taking more priority than the own well-being of the children.
Alltough it is also posible that many psichologist end up working on areas that they don´t like, such as "labor psicholgy" (psycology of work?) only and exclusivelly because they get a good sallary and because in that way they secure their own well being; wich has nothing wrong if we considere that one passes infinite years reading and writting a lot of stuff wich not always entertains us.
- But now, I really don´t thinking about job!, I only want VACATION and Sleep, and eat, and over sleep! -
domingo, 21 de junio de 2009
My favorite subject
My favourite subject is as I allready said child psichology.
It is one of the subjects wich I could have during my hole study without getting worried.
I always have liked children and I really enjoy spending time with them. For example when I go swimming with the kids of the sweamming team i really have a lot of fun and laugh a lot.
I get along with them very good. The best part of course is to see how they grow and start to change their mentality. How they behave and react in front of certen situations. I don´t know why but I like too relate with that and just like to spend time with kids.
I think thats why i like this subject so much beacause it gives me the chance to analyze and to see everything from a more professional point of view and also has given me tools which can be aplied in real life and have helped me to understand a lot of things, which i hadn´t been able to understand for a lot of time.
I also think i like it because i can see me working in this area more than in any other area. And perhaps as an sport psichologist, to combine those two passions (sport and kids).
watching Sir Ken Robinson's talk "Do Schools Kill, Creativity
In the talk of mr Ken Robinson he exposes a interesting aspects related to education such as creativity. He sais that with the educational system we have right now we are killing all the creativity children can develope. Schools are aiming to make professionals but in restricted areas such as math , lenguage and cience. Other subject are depreciated and not taking seriously such as arts: music, dance, painting etc. Children are programmed to get good marks just in the subjects that are supousingly the ones wich will help them in their future work life. Schools systems are build in way in wich the student are "obligated" to continue a specific line; wich is finish the school and start with university.
He also claims that the system is being more and more demanding as it refers to work titles (grados). Thirty years ago you only needed your graduation diplom to get a job, nowdays if you dont have a Mayor or minor , a mbm or a phd you are a nobody and getting a job has become very difficult. The standarts have become more and more academically demanding leaving other aspects beside.
Mr. Robinson assueres that, the way we are living now and the way in wich we are educating our children kills their creativity, and without it there aren´t original ideas poipinng out of there heads. Without these original ideas there is no evolution.
viernes, 12 de junio de 2009
My Future
It´s something I can´t do.
If you ask me right now i would have to say that I first want to finish with my studing. And if I had to picture myself in 5 years from now I would say that I see myself working at what I like the best; as a child psycholog (infanto juvenil).
I could also think of me living with my best friend, Astrid, in a nice apartment near the "Parque Forestal", I must say she would be the only one who could tolerate living with me. She is more passive than me so we complement very well. I see myself happy enjoying the moment, taking walks on the Park, cooking at my big kitchen, going out with my friends etc...
Of course that I still want to be swimming in my future.
It has been a very important part of my life and I want to keep it that way, I can´t imagen myself without it.
Most importante of all I see my family allways by my side and being happy with me.
We will still be shareing a family life like I am used to, and I´m glad for that because my family is my mayor support in life, so they are very important for me.
As I said at the begining I don´t like to proyect myself in long terms because you never now what will realy happen. I prefer to live every moment as if it would be the last one an always going step by step.
The best In Psycohology
He had a basic belief that children think differently than adults.
He studing problems related whit development to intelligence; His most famous work was "The Four Stages of Childhood Development: Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete, and Formal Operational".
In this paper, he prove that the logical of children is gradually "built" and also this is developed in diferents stages over the life.
Piaget is best known as an differents areas, he was most interested in the study of knowledge and it's expansion. Also he is known all over the world and is still an inspiration in the fields of epistemology, psychology, sociology, and law. Piaget was awarded numerous Prizes and honorary Degrees all over the world. I really admire to him!
The contributions of Piaget are very used in the field of education, especially in working with young children. In psychology, his contributions are also widely used in the fields of Psychology of Children and Adolescents, in an approach called cognitive evolution (?) -"evolutivo"-, ( I personally like it a lot and is very interesting =) .
My career
As a kid I always questioned everything and did overthink everything.
I enjoyed ( and still do) to talk everything trough, as a kid always with my mom but nowdays also with my friends, to reduce it all to little peaces so I could undertsand how it works or why something had happened.
In my carrer I think that I can use this carachteristik of mine and potence( potenciar??) it.
I can explore a very wide spectrum of things and analyze the most amazing things of all : the human himself and his acting and reactions.
The other reason is that I always liked Biologie and the more cientific part of the studies.
I think it is because as a sportler I had a big interest in doing something related to it.
So at first I actually wanted to study "kinesiologia" but after a hard time thinking and wondering what would be the right choice I decided to enter psychology ; because it had something of biology but it also would compensate the humanistic side I had developed.
And it also gaves my the chance to work in the area of sports, with the kids who make some sport and watch the development of them.
Psychologie has also a lot of investigation and practical part. It´s great because the things you learn you can apply them at your day a day life
viernes, 5 de junio de 2009
Comment on a Photograph you like

Was taked in 2005 for my best friend, I remember clearly about that day:
I came from a competition in the National Stadium and then I went his apartment in of center of the city.
We talked about my times and decide to eat something, while he set the table, I found the photographic camera , and I started to play with that.
Then we took this picture: We were hugging and looking the photographic camera.
He´s a Important persons for me, and this photograph is very important to me, I always have in my wallet and when I so tired o sad, I like to see, how happy we can be in the company of our friends.
viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009
My Last Vacation
us were in Sao Paulo and then we went to "Ilha bela" to that beautiful island is one of the largest and most beautiful islands of Brazil.
We went old month of febraury traveling together =)
I will never forget about it the color of sea, landscapes, animals or the music that we dance.
I not forget the house on we lives, it was amazing or the "cachoeiras" that we visit whit our news friends, it`s was so beatiful!, or when I went swam in clear water whit differents goldfishs in the sea.
Who I met so many people, I met students of differents career, also people older, they was very nice whit us.
Maybe the persons that most I remember is Mara. She is a woman, very beautiful and strong, she showed us many places on the island and taught us much about life, love and opportunities.
Some things I did, was traved in the "isla Bella", I swam, I toste the tipical food of brasil, I ate so many fruit such as "manga", "Guayaba" and orange.
Also, I danced "Samba" and I was a clubbes the electronic music, but, in other days I slept too late or walk along the beach at sunset =).
I believe that my last Vacation were the best of my life!
lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009
My best Friend!!
We meet at the University five years ago, he was friend of my partner´s of class; On a trip to VIña, we have time to TOLK, and since then never stopped doing.
We have shared many important moment, but I think that my dearest momory about him, was when one day we came toghether in the summer and invited to me ice cream, near my favourite park, spent the afternoon TALKING and laughing.
I like´s his way of being, he´s a person very intelligent, capable and persevering. I admire him very much because it has been able to overcome great difficulties. I can always count on to be honest and I have to give me the best advice.
Ah! maybe the greatest adventure that we have had, when we was I accompanied him, to see other universities - to change thinking- he does not drive, so we took a bus, course at the end of the world and "the little further"; also, was summer and it was very hot, more than we had walk along, a dirt road powdered left us all: we got to the interview laughing but dirty and tired of what we call "our Zafari" ! ajaj .
If I could, I would give him infinite joy and strength, it would show that everything can change, that our worst fears can be overcame and that there is no miracle greater than the love´s other´s.
Pelao, is part of my family always supports me and love´s me unconditionally; we are sure to be best friend by over one hundred years more! xD! ajaj .